

We provide our clients with the possibility to make an immediate gain margin, investing in estates that have been repossessed by the banks and are now sold at a significantly lower price through the Italian Courts.

Perugia | Italy
+32 477 835 010
+39 327 425 3350

What an Auction is?

  • An auction is a process of buying and selling items by offering them up for bid, taking bids, then selling them to the highest bidder.
  • Investing in real estate auction can be a profitable investment, one needs to understand how real estate auctions systems in Italy works. Every EU nation has its own national laws related to auctions. Italy’s laws and regulations on property  auctions (Aste Immobiliari) differ from those of other nations.
  • Italian real estate auctions currently seem to provide some of the most lucrative and generally fascinating investment options, as well as the most readily available and simple procedures, in Europe. According to recent surveys and analysis of the Italian real estate market, buying a house at auction might result in savings of up to 30% or even 40% compared to the asset’s actual value. This makes Italy an intriguing location for real estate auctions, along with the never-ending attraction of Italian cities, villages, and vacation spots.
  • Normally, 10% of the minimum price is required as a deposit from each bidder, which they receive back if they are not “successful” on the auction day. The “successful bidder,” who placed the winning bid, must pay the whole amount owed within 120 days of the auction’s conclusion. The property is transferred to the new owner once the outstanding balance has been paid, and the relevant legal body issues an enforceable decree of transfer.

Are you considering participating in a judicial auction in Italy?

  • First and foremost, it is essential to be well-informed about the entire process.

What is involved in an Italian government property auction and are Italian home auctions commonplace?

Can Domus Auction Italy  help win houses in an Italy home auction?

Are Italy auction homes much cheaper than purchasing a property another way in Italy?

How can I make sure I am following all home auction rules and what are the pros and cons of buying property in Italy?

The government website is not always able to provide all the information, but you can visit the Portale delle Vendite Pubbliche, the official website for the Public Sales to have an overview of the properties that are currently listed, their auction calendar, and other critical details.

When a property is put up for auction?

A real estate property is put up for auction when the owner falls into default on a loan and the bank or creditor forecloses on the property. The creditor can ask a judge to demand payment from the debtor. If the debtor is unable to pay the debt, the decree becomes enforceable and the creditor can use the property to satisfy their claim and put the property up for judicial auction. To guarantee the creditor’s interests, it is required that the auction comply with the principle of publicity and is offered to an unlimited number of people. Therefore, the offer is included on the Ministry of Justice’s website to fulfill this requirement.

Types of properties at auction

What are the most common types of properties sold all’asta in 2022 in Italy? Only 57.45% of these units are in the Residential category. The other 42.55% is represented by Commercial category, including:

Permitted Use 

Percentage sold at auction

Residential properties


Basements, garages, boxes


Shops, offices and 

Industrial, commercial and laboratories




Rural buildings  and agricultural land 


Online auction sale is nowadays the rule, while traditional way (in person and in front of the Judge) is the exception

The spread of electronic commerce has also had a great influence on this type of procedural activity. The most common auction are asynchronous and are described the following steps:

  • Bids may be submitted exclusively by telematic mode and through PEC. But, unlike the synchronous sale, the bidding will begin on the date and at the time specified in the notice of sale and may even last for several days.
  • In the case of the asynchronous race, it is possible to provide for an additional extension of the race, referred to as “self-extension.” This extension phase is used only in the case of bids received in the last minutes of the auction.
  • When the last bid is received, the new countdown is activated and the duration of the auction is extended until no more new bids are sent.