By registering on our website you will be contacted by our specialized team.
We provide our clients with the possibility to make an immediate gain margin, investing in estates that have been repossessed by the banks and are now sold at a significantly lower price through the Italian Courts.
Perugia | ItalyBy registering on our website you will be contacted by our specialized team.
Let us know your search criteria. In the form you can select the Type of Property and put in the Notes more parameters as range of budget, characteristics, etc.)
After a thorough check of the property up for auction, we proceed to participate.
We provide tax, technical and legal assistance for auction issues.
We are a multidisciplinary team offering a full spectrum of services to prospective foreign investors who are interested in participating in the Italian judicial real estate auctions.
An auction is a process of buying and selling items by offering them up for bid, taking bids, then selling them to the highest bidder
Investing in real estate auction can be a profitable investment, one needs to understand how real estate auctions systems in Italy works. Every EU nation has its own national laws related to auctions. Italy’s laws and regulations on property auctions (Aste Immobiliari) differ from those of other nations.
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Monday to Friday 09:00 to 16:00
Saturday we work until 12:00